Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Happy Reunion

The weather has been all over the place lately in typical March fashion, but we were able to beat the coming torrential rains and were reunited with the Philly Zoo this past Thursday. We hadn't been to the zoo since September, so it was a very happy reunion for Lucy, and this time Zach was able to enjoy the animals too!!

Lucy loves grooming those stinky goats!!

Awwww, buddies!! We share a zoo pass with the Kellys, so it's not often we get everyone in both families together to check out the zoo, but since the daddies were off with spring break we squished all 8 of us into one car and headed out.

The zoo has a neat new Aviary Center with exotic birds that fly all around you as you check out the exhibit, but Jonathan wasn't going anywhere near them for fear of bird droppings!! (I think they would have landed on poor Zachy's head anyways!!)

Lunch time for the tortoises!! It was hilarious to watch the tortoises all SLOWLY, SLOWLY crawl to the food and chew, chew, chew. We love our zoo!!