We had a pretty typical week, which mostly means Lucy had preschool in the morning, mommy and Zachy went to the gym, then we all spent the rest of the day bored and cooped up in the house, waiting for Daddy to get home and entertain us all. But doggone it, this week will be different!! It's officially October, which to me spells F-A-L-L, and some of my favorite autumn sights and sounds are becoming available.
Mmmmmm. Something about the fluorescent orange cream makes these so much tastier than their typical white counterparts. A few of these dipped in milk and suddenly I'm a happier person, I'm not yelling at the kids so much, I'm walking in a dream world...
And while we're speaking of special fall treats-- I **heart** this Dunkin' donut. While I'm not a huge donut fan in general, just ask my husband-- THIS one I start talking about clear back in August.
It seems that baking goes on hiatus during the summer--whether it's too hot or what I don't know, but when fall rolls around with cooler temperatures, comfort food is back! Fall recipes involving canned pumpkin especially, definitely give me a baker's itch.
Pretty leaves!! I LOVE when the leaves start to change. There's something so beautiful and peaceful about driving down a tree lined street on a sunny fall day while it's snowing brightly colored leaves. I love it.
This morning was actually quite cold here in North Carolina, so Jon and I made a hot breakfast to celebrate Conference morning. And we busted out the hot cocoa. Holla! Lucy loves it, I love it, Jon loves it. We go through a LOT of hot chocolate every fall and winter. (Okay, so side note: when I image searched "hot chocolate," pictures of this 70's black boy band "Hot Chocolate" kept coming up. I so needed a laugh!!!)