Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Think Pink!

Good news!! We (think) we know the sex of our newest little bambino set to arrive in November, and drumroll please...It's a GIRL!!

She was very, very uncooperative throughout the ultrasound (Jon says she was just being modest)-- super wiggly moving up and down and side to side etc., plus she was twisted up like a pretzel for most of it, so the ultrasound tech had a hard time getting good pics (they're all blurry or I would post one). At one point she had her legs, feet, and arms crossed which made it hard to see anything, but the best news of all is that she looks perfectly healthy. 10 fingers, 10 toes, cute little nose and lips, and measuring right on schedule (about a week ahead, actually). A wiggly, big baby?? Why should that surprise me?? Sounds like Lucy!!

As my lovely baby bump continues to expand (promise I'll post a picture soon!) I decided I need to get this shirt for teaching my class at the gym. I finally announced I was expecting, so it was nice to set the record straight, that as the instructor I wasn't just getting a little chubby around the midsection, I was actually growing a baby. I think some people had already guessed that, but lots were surprised. I never know if to take that as a compliment-- that maybe I always just look 20 weeks pregnant?:)

We are flying out tomorrow to spend the month visiting family between Idaho and Washington, so our blog will be on summer hiatus for about month, but I'm sure we'll be back with a monster post to describe all of our fun experiences as we head back West!