On November 7, 2012 we welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Leah Gene (Gene in honor of Jon's dad and my maternal Grandmother) to our family! Her delivery was one wild ride and we are sooooo happy she is finally here! Here's her story:
I showed up bright and early the next morning after a pretty restless night, got hooked up to an IV, and waited for Jon to meet me (he waited for the kids to wake up and then fed and got them ready for the neighbor's house).
7:30 a.m.: Doctor checks me to see where we we're starting-- which is basically from scratch. Not dilated, not thinned, not effaced, and she was at stage 5+ (which basically means she was as high as a baby can be). He gave me Cervadil to ripen my cervix, which stays in for 12 hours. So no walking, no moving, no eating from now until delivery.
10 a.m.: Start me on a magnesium drip to treat the pre-ecclampsia. NOT FUN. It basically gives you flu-like symptoms-- achey, tired, nausea, and really intense hot flashes. Lots of watching and waiting...
7:30 p.m.: Nurse removes the Cervadil, and checks my cervix-- and I'm dilated to 3 cm and 50% thinned out. Hooray!
8 p.m.: Start me on Pitocin so the contractions can come fast and hard!
10 p.m.: Dilated to 4 cm and given an epidural.
2:30 a.m. (11/7/12): STILL stuck at 4 cm and baby hasn't moved down, so the doctor decides to break my water to see if that speeds things up.
3:30 a.m.: Did it ever!! Dilated to 8 cm and totally thinned!!
4 a.m.: 10 cm and time to get ready to deliver!!
4:30 a.m.: Doctor comes in and we start pushing...
4:47 a.m.: Baby Leah arrives!!
7 lbs. 10 oz. and 20 1/2 in. long. She was really goobery when she came out and swallowed a little bit of fluid, but was otherwise PERFECT.
The sweetest little face ever! Hi Leah!
Meeting Daddy! Poor Jon started coming down with an awful cold and hasn't felt like he should hold her until he is better. He was an awesome support during labor-- keeping me calm and positive, staying up with me, watching the depressing election results, and helping me deal with the whole experience. Best husband ever.
The doctor was spending a really long time sewing me up that I finally asked him if I'd torn when she came out. He kind of looked me, then looked at the nurse, and was like, "Uh, yeah." Apparently I tore from top to bottom (bi-laterally) due to some old scar tissue, as well as side to side-- kind of like a star shape (sorry, TMI!), and he worked on me for another 30 min. after she arrived. All I know is when my recovery nurse found out about my battle wounds she promised me I could have whatever pain meds. I wanted for as long as I wanted.:)
Getting to hold her for the first time. That magical moment when you realize it's all worth it and you'd do it again in a second.
Around 6:30 a.m. they finally let me eat breakfast-- I hadn't slept or eaten anything since 4:30 a.m the day before, and was totally exhausted. Jon went to pick the kids up from the neighbor's house at about 7 a.m. and bring them to meet Baby Leah! Apparently Lucy had been really worried since she hadn't come the night before like we'd told her we thought she would. They were SO excited to see her! That was probably the best part of the whole day when they each got to hold her.
Once they were sure I could move without tearing any stitches, they finally moved me to a recovery room so I could sleep (lookin' pretty hot after 24 hours of labor).
Totally worth it!!
I could tell right away that she definitely recognized our voices-- especially Zach's. She LOVES when he talks to her, and turns her face to find where his voice is coming from. She is showered with kisses from both siblings.
They discharged me Friday morning and it felt soooo good to get home. Jon was given 10 days of paternity leave from the military and had been manning the home fires by himself. I think he was pretty ready to have me get home and help out.
And here she is today, 1 week old. She is SUCH a beautiful baby!! She is really sweet tempered and puts up with all of the poking and prodding from Lucy and Zach, only cries when she's hungry, eats like a champ, naps like a champ, and squeaks when she's happy. We are all totally in love with this baby and so grateful to Heavenly Father for her safe arrival. There were many, many tender mercies during her delivery and my recovery, and I can't express how close you feel to Heavenly Father after you deliver a brand new baby who is so fresh from heaven. I guess you get a small glimpse at divinity. We love our Leah!