Monday, January 31, 2011

"The Same Old Thing"

Every Sunday night I call my parents-- a tradition dating back to my freshman year of college-- because I usually don't have time to get in a nice chat during the weekdays. I usually fill them in on the events that happened throughout the past week, and when I'm asked what we did over the weekend it's normally just "the same old thing."

We wake up early (actually Jon, being the amazing husband that he is, lets ME sleep in even though he's the one who's been up the last 5 morning at 5:30 a.m.), get breakfast and get ready, and head out to Red Rock to do some exploring.

Sometimes we take a picnic, sometimes we stop somewhere interesting along the way for lunch, but usually we just soak up the sun and enjoy the fresh air as much as we can.

Lucy has found that our weekends are so predictable these days that all she has to do is ask, "We're going hiking and to the yogurt store, right??" And you guessed it! She's right.

I have TOTALLY fallen in love with this cactus type-- I think they look like those "poor unfortunate souls" from Ursula's garden in the Little Mermaid. I wish I knew what they were called!

Then we head back home and either run errands, clean the house, watch movies, or in the case of this weekend, enjoy Round 2 of Aunt Whitney!! She had a good friend going through the temple for the first time, so she and some other roommates drove down late Friday night so they could be their to support her for it. We got to see the beautiful Las Vegas temple all lit up at night when we picked her up. So pretty!

Then we took Whitney to dinner for her birthday to SmashBurger, watched some more Jason Bourne, and went to bed.

Sunday morning we headed to church, taught our little Sunbeams, and hurried home to cook Whitney some dinner before she had to head back to Provo. Even though it was another short and sweet visit, we definitely are not sick of her yet!:) The more we see of her, the better. So all in all, I guess the "same old thing" is actually a really, really good thing. I could have broken BOTH feet like my poor sister in law, who has to somehow manage to crawl around her house on hands and knees while taking care of her 2 year old and 4 month old girls and have surgery this weekend.... Yup. Definitely grateful for the same old thing!