As per tradition, we have compiled a list of the things we loved, liked, are missing, want back, have fond memories of, want to always remember, etc. regarding our 4-year stay in North Carolina. Honestly, while I don't necessarily want to move back to Pinehurst anytime soon, I have definitely missed it more than I anticipated! Maybe, just maybe, we are a little homesick... So, with the help of my sweet children and husband, here goes (in no particular order):
-THE BEACH (okay, this one is at the top of the list for a reason). Myrtle Beach, SC was our home away from home; our Paradise!
-Location, location, location!! We had prime access to all things East Coast as well as the South. You couldn't beat being 8 hours from Philly one way, and 8 hours from Orlando the other way...
-Our house with its great upstairs playroom
-THE GYM! I miss the group exercise programs (Body Step and Body Flow)
-Teaching my Body Pump classes M and F 12:15 p.m. The "lunchtime crew!"
-The Kids' Center with Miss Molly, Miss Sandy, and Miss Wanda
-Gym friends (Jennifer, Carla, Erin, and Molly)
-Josh and Luke; William and Amelia-- playing with neighbor kids
-The gorgeous trees and lush greenery!
-Water, water, everywhere-- especially thunder storms!
-Camelot Park
-T-ball and Baseball, tennis, and swim team (great Rec. programs)
-Big backyard with a trampoline
-Great Wolf Lodge and trips to Charlotte, NC
-Sand Park in Southern Pines, and trips to C Cups Cupcakery
-Lunch playdates at Chick fil A and Sonic
-Southern BBQ like the Pik N Pig
-Day trips to Cary (Target run, chicken shwarma at Jasmin's, Gigi's Cupcakes)
-"Costco Run;" our 90 minute drive up to Raleigh and back for groceries
-Trader Joe's
-Crabtree Valley Mall
-Sunday walks in the neighborhood
-Late Summer (the heat and humidity, the "swampiness")
-Fall (the red and gold trees)
-All the unnecessary Snow Days!!
-Southern History; Civil War sites
-Church friends and primary classes; Activity Days
-West Pine Elementary!! Lots of missed friends...
-Our vacations up to PA and Amish Country, also to Disney World and HP World
-Visiting Devin and Sarah (and kids) in Richmond, VA
-Rockingham Children's Museum
-Marbles up in Raleigh
-Asheboro Zoo
-Aberdeen park and our "top 5" Friday night restaurants (Texas Roadhouse, Bonefish Grill, Olive Garden, Lonestar, and Brixx)
-Sandhills Cinema 10
-Hobby Lobby and Kohl's
-Pinehurst Marina during sunset
-The Reservoir (walks, feeding the ducks)
-"Aldi runs"
-Atlanta trips
-Breakfast at Waffle House
-Rocket Launches with Dad
-Tanger Outlets in SC