She came! She came! Our second little cousin EVER came on September 28th, after a really long labor weighing 8 lbs. and measuring 21 inches long. We already love little SOPHIE JOAN MORRIS!!
Congrats Devin and Sarah, and of course, baby Eva who is no longer the baby.:)
Cutest big sister ever!! We can't wait to meet little Sophie this Christmas!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Cousin #2!!
Posted by sara cardon at 12:37 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday Walks
Well, slowly but surely Vegas is beginning to feel like "home." Don't get me wrong-- we are still (well, at least I am) hit with some serious bouts of homesickness for Philly every now and then, especially since it should be fall and it should be cooling down, and we should be going to a pumpkin patch or driving out to Amish country, and we should be enjoying the great autumn colors and weather back East.... But anyway, one great thing about moving is that Jon and I got called as the Sunbeam teachers.
What does this mean? It means I am no longer alone every Sunday, left to get myself and 2 children through a long boring Sunday morning alive and then presentable for church at 1 p.m., and then back home again and dinner on the table all by myself while Jon is in bishopric meetings for 10 hours.
We suddenly have so much time! This is our 5th year of 1 p.m. church in a row (it was destiny!), and we finally have time to take a Sunday walk before church.... Isn't that something?!?
And one of these days it will cool down below 104 degrees, and we will really be singing Vegas' praises. I just know it!
Posted by sara cardon at 12:33 AM 7 comments
Don't Eat Pete!
Tonight for FHE I decided to pull out an oldie, but goodie. When I was little my favorite game to play was "Don't Eat Pete!" I dont' know who made it or when it was invented, all I know is that it brought me a great deal of happiness as a child.
Here are the rules:
First you have to color a game board with lots of possible Petes. Your 3 year old can help, or you can borrow mine. She likes to color everybody's eyes brown to match hers though, so if you don't have brown eyes too bad.
Then you send one person out to hide while the rest of you decide which picture is going to be Pete. Once you agree on a Pete you bring the seeker back and put a piece of candy on each picture so they can start eating candy.
One by one they try to eat around who they think Pete is, until finally, they guess wrong and accidentally eat Pete.
That's when you all yell "Don't Eat Pete!!" That's the best part.
Zachy didn't understand the game at all, but he did love eating M&M's and clapping when I yelled "Don't Eat Pete" at him. Maybe that will be his first sentence, "Don't Eat Pete!"
Posted by sara cardon at 12:01 AM 8 comments