Well, it's been one adventure after another here in North Carolina with all that's been happening in the news lately PLUS being brand new to the area.
She goes to school at a Baptist Church that has some class rooms attached to the side of the building. As soon as we pulled up the first time she was like, "Wow! I go to church at a temple?!?" If anything, having her attend school with the Baptists has been a great invitation to explain a lot of things about our church and what we believe.
Monday evening we learned the hard way NOT to let the kids play with the Slip 'n Slide once the sun starts setting. They were both so excited to have an actual yard with grass that for FHE we let them play outside in the water again because it was so hot, and both ended up COVERED in mosquito bites. I don't think we even had mosquitos in Vegas, so I didn't even think twice about it. I think we counted 18 bites on Zach and just as many on Lucy. It looked like they had the chicken pox. So, lesson learned!
Tuesday afternoon we were sitting in the living room watching TV right after we'd picked Lucy up from preschool, and all of a sudden the house shook like a big gust of wind had hit it, or a train had gone by underneath. The couch started swaying side to side and Jon and I looked at each other like, "Are you feeling this?!?" Only to find out it WAS a real earthquake!! It didn't last very long, but long enough to be pretty freaky.
Wednesday was Jon's first day of work, and if it's any indication of how things will be different around here, they got off 2 hours early to go golfing at Pinehurst, the famous PGA course. One of the dentists at the clinic has a membership at the country club and was able to pull some strings to get everybody on the regularly $100+ course for only $30. Lucky guy!
This weekend we enjoyed lots of rain and wind thanks to Hurrican Irene, but thankfully no power outtages or anything more serious. Luckily we're far enough in from the coast that the worst of it simply didn't reach us. It was one crazy week!!