Sunday, May 20, 2012
Bun in the Oven!
'Tis true!! Baby Cardon #3 is due towards the end of November 2012. Big sister Lucy and big brother Zachary couldn't be more excited!! Hope our little Tom (or Tessa) Turkey comes safe and sound-- we'll have lots to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.:)
We should find out the sex in about a month.... Any guesses??
Posted by sara cardon at 6:25 PM 17 comments
May Minutes
Seems like towards the end of the month I get a bunch of pictures that haven't really got a theme but need to be blogged, so they get lumped into one big summary blog that well, sums it up! So what's been happening this May? Read on!
I. HATE. THIS. PUDDLE. Our driveway has the unfortunate design of being on a downhill slope, unlike most driveways that incline up to the house. So any time it rains which is quite frequently around here (or the hoodlums get the hose) this little indentation pools the run-off and becomes a BIG mess of dirty, muddy water. THE. KIDS. LOVE. THIS. PUDDLE. I mean, what compels a child to want to swim in murky brown water when I bought them a wading pool with clean, clear water? Lucy even sneaks inside to change into her bathing suit, which just adds insult to injury. I got spoiled rotten on Mother's Day when Jon surprised me with a brand new iPad. Neither one of us ever go in much for buying the latest and greatest gadgets, so it was a major splurge but I LOVE it. Guess who loves it more?!? Lucy!! Can you say O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D?? She spends hours thinking about, talking about, and of course, playing MY iPad. I hardly see it/her these days. She is constantly begging me to "go to the App store" and find her new games, so if any of you have some great ((free)) games, comment me some suggestions! Our little Zachy-poo continues to fall in love with the outdoors, just like his daddy. He begs to go outside, but with our backyard not being fenced in I never feel quite right letting him run wild and free back there without me out there, especially since we saw an enormous (smashed) black snake on the road a little ways from our house a couple days ago. No thank you! Umm, this is Zach wearing my sports bra. And he was SO proud! Bwahahahaha!! He'll love this in a few years... And most exciting with this little guy is that he is OFFICIALLY potty trained! It was the most surprising and anticlimactic thing-- one day I broke down and just decided that despite any signs pointing to the affirmative, he was ready for this. I put his new big boy undies on (I keep wanting to call them "panties" much to Jon's chagrin) and he just did it himself. He's had very few accidents, ZERO at night (knock on wood), and it's been about 3 weeks. No more poopy diapers!! Woohoo!! It was way easier than with Lucy, which I totally did not expect. So how about me? Um, duh, the BABY (see most recent post)!! We are all reeeeally excited (Lucy probably most). It's so weird too because it's been about 4 years since the last time I was preggo, and I have forgotten just about EVERYTHING. I also recently PASSED my Les Mills Body Pump instructor certification which is a big, big deal. HOORAY!! This was a long time in coming-- SO much work! SO much practicing! It often seemed like it was not meant to be (trying to tape a PERFECT 60 minute class while being rocked with incapacitating morning sickness and pregnancy fatigue comes to mind) but I. DID. IT. Now I get to just teach and enjoy teaching, hopefully through all 9 months of pregnancy. I'm planning on pumping right into the delivery room.:) 1st PLACE WINNA!! (And while Jon actually did the push-ups for this competition, I take credit for the win since he's been coming to MY Body Pump class the last few months and seriously, I've pumped him up!!). But in all seriousness, this was a pretty cool "win" for him since he was competing against all the guys in Special Forces who are PAID all day, every day to be in tip-top shape (it's their job), and he, who is paid to sit in an office doing dental work all day, beat them and got 1st place. I guess they had to be "sponsored," so on a lark two of his office assistants put in $20 on him (while some people had pools in the hundreds of dollars), so obviously nobody expected the dentist to beat out these super buff, elite Special Forces/Delta Force guys he was competing against. He did 129 push ups in 60 seconds, which is slightly more than 2 per second. That's my hunky husband! And here he is, taking a break at the park after our Body Pump class this past Saturday morning. Looks like I wore him out again. Who do you think is tougher, me for teaching and participating while pregnant (and not throwing up half-way through), or Jon for winning the Air Force base's push-up contest?? It's on!!:)Posted by sara cardon at 6:19 PM 5 comments
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