This week is Lucy's Spring Break, and there are a couple of items on our To-Do List we've been waiting to check off on a day she doesn't have school. The first of which is to get both kiddos a hair cut!
Lucy has been begging to chop her locks for awhile (long hair equals lots of tangles!), so I planted the idea that maybe she'd like to donate her hair to Locks of Love, which she thought sounded pretty neat. Here is the BEFORE picture-- lots and lots of hair!
I wish Lucy's Grandma could have cut it, but since she lives far away I decided to just chance it at Wal-Mart and pay the $10 for a kid's cut. I've heard you can tell right away if a stylist is good or not just by the way they hold the scissors and comb, so I started getting pretty nervous when the girl dropped the comb like 3 times in the first 5 minutes! I just didn't want Lucy to hate it and blame me!
But luckily, it turned out SUPER cute and she LOVES her new hair! She couldn't stop swishing her head around, and running her fingers through her super short hair. She cut off about 14 inches, and this new short 'do will be perfect for the hot summer and drying quickly after swim team.
I had her a-line it and undercut the back so it lays better, since she's inherited my curly hair.
Rockin' her new look! She only had one mild case of panic when we got home and Zachary told her she looked like a boy, but once we put the headband in it reassured her that she wasn't likely to be mistaken for a boy any time soon. First thing she asked to do when we got home was to call her Grandmas and show them!
Makes me want to go out and chop my hair off too! Doesn't she look ready for spring??