Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mesa Grill

Couldn't you just admire that mug all day long?!? I certainly could. This past Friday, Jonathan and I decided to kill the fatted calf and blow our entire month's date budget by going to Mesa Grill, Bobby Flay's premiere Las Vegas restaurant, while Jon's mom is in town and was willing to babysit for us.

And I know I lied and said we wouldn't be hitting the Strip again because we were all a little "Las Begused" out, but not even a week later there we were, heading right back into "Satan's Playground" (loved that one Aunt kay!), to Caesar's Palace to indulge in some $40 a plate cuisine, Bobby-style.

I wanted to take pictures of what we ordered, but Jonathan was panicking thinking it would have been totally tacky, so unfortunately I can't show you the food. But here's a description:
I got the 5-Spice Mole "Hacked" Chicken with a Roasted Tomato Tamale with Key-Lime Butter (it was magic on a plate!), and Jon got some kind of salmon that was really tasty, but I was too busy inhaling my tamale to pay attention.

The chicken itself was pretty good, but the mole was not as flavorful as I was hoping, and honestly, one of the best parts of the meal was the complimentary bread they set out. There was a Jalapeno Asiago that was AMAZING!! For dessert we got a "Deep Dish Banana Cream Pie" that was supposed to have Pecan Whipped Cream, but disappointingly (as I had a imagined a really thick crusted luscious pie), it was only a super thin wafer hazelnut cookie, with a layer of flavorless whipped cream, some fresh bananas, and more cream on top. Totally a let down, but since they weren't Bobby's desserts (he had a pastry chef) we won't knock him for it.

Okay, so grades?
PRICE: B (I know $40 a plate is relatively cheap for Las Vegas...but Jon's piece of salmon was pretty puny)


Gene and Silvia said...

It sounds like you had a great time! Sorry about the dessert but the rest sounds great, now you can always say you at at Bobby's Place.

Jonathan said...

I won't tell you the dream I had about Sara meeting Bobby Flay on top of a casino's parking lot swarmed by dozens of women...I'm just glad she doesn't have to choose between us. Do you think this obsession with Bobby Flay is getting to me yet?!?

sara cardon said...

Cut it out Jonathan. It was YOUR dream, not mine. I don't really think he's THAT cute, he's just an amazing culinarian.:)

Kay Hinton said...

A comedian on our cruise was making fun of us who take pictures of our food, "Be sure you zoom in on the jello!" I guess maybe it is tacky, but I'm not stopping. Sorry, Jonathan. I'm glad you had a fun dinner.

Shonna said...

Wow, a great dinner. I would love to see a picture of the food, as I love an aesthetically pleasing plate of food. But your description and grades were great. Sorry about the pie let down, too bad.

teresa said...

oh my gosh, jealous! i can't wait to continue to hear about all of your food adventures! it looks like a fun restaurant, bobby flay...mmmm....

Joan Morris said...

Yum! I want to go to Mesa Grill! That is so funny that Jonathan is having Bobby Flay dreams. Better stop watching Food Network :)

James and Tricia Thomas said...

NO YOU DID NOT!!! I am dying to eat there!!! I love Bobby!!! Next up the desserts at Caesars palace made by Jean Phillip the world renoun pastry chef!

Tom said...

I think this would have been much more interesting if Jonathan had written the blog. $40 a plate for fu-fu food? No wonder he didn't want to take pictures! He is in serious danger of having his man-card revoked. I think I will just stick with the terriyaki chicken sandwich at Red Robin (under $10), thank you very much. Let Bobby go fillet himself.

Unknown said...

YUM! This sounds like a fun culinary experience. I could almost taste your tamale... I ate at a Wolfgang Puck restaurant (Spago) in Cesar's Palace. It's good. I just recommend going there for lunch as it's not as pricey and still has great things on the menu.

Alissa said...

Mouth.Is.Watering. I love all the food adventures you go on all around the world! Your tamale sounds sooo goood! Totally worth an entire month of the date night budget I'm sure of it! FUN!!!