Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Shearing Sheep

One of my pet peeves is when boys start getting little tufts of hair growing over their ears (like Luke Skywalker), which was beginning to happen to my sweet little Zachy. So I knew the time had come. It had been 2 months since his last haircut, the ear wings were a growin', and I knew I must strike quickly and efficiently. So I shaved it!

I honestly thought I had grabbed the 2, but after the first buzz with the clippers it was obviously much, much shorter. Whoops! But once I started I didn't really have a way to back out unless he wanted a mohawk...

I did learn long ago to cut Jon's hair, but it would take me at least an hour and a half because I was sooooooo slooooow. I think that's why a few years ago he decided to just shave it himself. Anyway, I knew there was no way Zachy would ever sit still that long for me to cut it, but I'm not prepared to pay $10 at some Great Clips place, so basically I chased him around the patio with the clippers. Then I finally realized he might be better if I gave him some M&Ms and voila! I sheared the sheep!

It was a LOT of hair. I wish it wasn't so short, but it'll grow back.

This girl was begging to be next, but at this point there is no way I'm going to be the first to chop those locks off. It would be like cutting Samson's hair.


Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

Oh my heck! How cute is that little sheepie! And what the heck are you washing Lucy's hair with? It has seriously grown like a foot since you left! Holy cow! Gorgeous!

Joan Morris said...

I can't believe Zachy has a buzz. He looks pretty cute with or without hair.

teresa said...

jayda just saw that picture and said, skyler looks so cute!! they do look alike. your kids are SO adorable!

Tamar and Trevor said...

I love it! I am always a little sad when I cut Kyles hair but I also think they look like little men with their hair freshly cut. Zachy is so handsome!

Shonna said...

Good work Sara! It'll grow back in no time. And I'm with you on not cutting Lucy's hair; it's so pretty.

Tom said...

To heck with all of ya! I'm callin' the cops. That just ain't right.

Gene and Silvia said...

Wow, can't believe he has a buzz! It will be real easy to take care of.

Unknown said...

This reminds me of the time in Philly when I was cutting Jeremy's hair. I left him alone with the clippers for less than a second and when I came back, there was a huge patch missing. Remember when he had that super short/military-esque haircut?

Zachy looks super cute with the buzz. It will be so nice in Vegas, even though it "should" be cooling down anytime now!

Annette said...

Her hair has alwasy amazed me. How you keep up with it, I'll never know!

jor said...

I did the same thing to Colin once...thought I had the #2 but actually had left it in my had and buzzed right down the middle with nothing! It grew back fast though and they still look cute :)

Sarah said...

He looks adorable. We have a bag of fruit snacks under the sink that Eva calls her "hair candy". It is the only way she will let me touch her head.