Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tiny Dancer

I recently enrolled Lucy in a ballet/tap class through the Community Center by our house, and they held the first class last Monday. I had actually enrolled her a few months ago, but when it came time for the class it turned out the location was actually not the one by our house, but one close to the strip-- and coming from someone who lived for 4 years in Philly, it was SCARY. I pulled up to the parking lot and the only spot available was in front of a dumpster with a bum rifling through it with lots of signs posted "DO NOT PARK HERE AFTER DARK".... So, I cancelled that and we're happy the next session has finally started!

Naturally she loves the dressing up part in the leotard and tutus, and has made lots of little friends in her class.

She is taking the class with her friend Julia (who's in our ward), which has helped her be braver since the parents aren't allowed to go in the room and sit. We have to just watch through the windows outside. In fact, at yesterday's class Zach gagged on an apple peel I'd given him and puked up the entire contents of his stomach all over me, so not only were parents treated to a show from their little girls, they also got to see a Cardon Specialty Sideshow. My kids are the world's BEST pukers!!

And as a side note, we got SNOW last week that actually (sort of) stuck to the ground for a little while (this is the view from our bedroom window). It was a full on snow storm that lasted a few hours and was pretty exciting for the kids. But I'll admit it, I'm glad we're back to the 50 and 60 degree weather again!


Joan Morris said...

How fun for Lucy! Yeah for dance lessons. Yes, I do remember that your kids have excellent gag reflexes ;( Glad I missed that show.

Angela said...

She looks so cute in her little dance outfits. How fun that she can do that with some of her little friends. :) And don't you just love kids...I just got puked all over at a restaurant a couple weeks ago too.. :) Gotta love it.

grandmac said...

The dancing is wonderful, she will love it all and be great at it too. For some reason I can't get into your blog now, I had to go through Kylene's to get this. Will you please give me another invite? I'd hate to miss all the action. Thanks.

grandma C.

Unknown said...

So cute. I bet she just loves dance. I'm sorry your kiddos are such easy pukers...at least Lucy didn't puke too!

Can't wait to see you guys! 1 month!

Becca said...

I love the tutu! What a cutie!