Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Underwater Field Trip

This Tuesday Lucy's preschool class got to go on a field trip to the Mandalay Bay's "Shark Reef." She was sooooooo excited for many days beforehand since she'd already been and knew what was in store, thus Zach and I got to hear all about it (and I mean ALL about it). And when Miss Andrea asked for parent volunteers to help out, I decided, "What the heck?!?" and signed Zachy and myself up too!

Unfortunately my daughter is already in the "too cool for Mom" stage at the ripe ol' age of 4, because when I told her I would be going on the field trip I expected a super excited response, but instead she was like, "You're not staying, right?? You're just dropping me off." She sure LOVES being independent.

Zachary was in "wubba" HEAVEN. He LOVED the fishies, the sharks, the "wa-wa," and being a "big kid" like Lucy. I didnt' even bring his stroller because I knew he'd want to walk around with the rest!

Touching the stingrays!! Lucy was brave enough to stick her fingers out, but seriously, with no help from me. I'm too afraid they will bite me!

Zachary was terrified of touching the glass. He tried to stay as far away from it as possible-- while still trying to be as close as possible.:)

They got the High Roller's/VIP guided tour for preschoolers, and then were taken to a special classroom where they got to see some cool fish fossils and skeletons. Then they paraded around the room like various fish (this is Lucy being a shark).

Lucy and her preschool class (it includes morning and afternoon kids). I can't say it enough that she LOVES preschool-- and I am so grateful we were able to find such a great one while we are here!!


jor johnson said...

How fun! And once again, I LOVE her yellow skirt!

teresa said...

ok, can i have zach, please? that kid seriously gets cuter by the second!

so fun! isn't it crazy doing stuff like field trips with your kids? they get so big so fast. lucy is just a doll and looks like she's having a blast! miss you guys so much!

Unknown said...

So much fun. I can't say I've ever been there, but Sharks Reef looks like something not to be missed. Hope we get to see you guys soon!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

I am cracking up that she is in the too cool for mom stage!! Looks like a fun field trip!