Thursday, April 14, 2011

Carolina In My Mind!

In the words of the legendary James Taylor, "In my mind I'm gone to Carolina." And in reality, we really ARE going to Carolina!! Fayetteville, North Carolina, to be exact. Hooray!! Our new base assignment is at Pope Field, which includes the army base of Fort Bragg. I hope my kids get a southern accent-- like "Nawth Cahlina." And while the shock of it begins to wears off (mostly the fact that we're headed right back out East) basically I'm just glad we didn't end up in North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, South Korea, or Japan (no offense to anybody from any of those places!). I'm sure they're great.

(Downtown Fayetteville, NC)
And now we will be 45 min. away from here:

Raleigh, NC
and here:

Chapel Hill, NC
and about 3 1/2 hours away from these guys (Morris cousins in Richmond, VA):

and about 2 hours away from this beach:

and about 3 1/2 hours from this beach:

Outer Banks, NC
and about 3 1/2 hours from this place:

and about 8 hours from this place:

Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL

I think we're going to have TONS to do and see. We've experienced life in the northwest, northeast, southwest, and now, the southeast. Here we come Southern livin'!! And we're DEFINITELY going to be open for visitors!! (Hint, hint)


Tom said...

Let me be the first to say "this really stinks!" Won't I ever get grandkids that live close to me? Come on Whitney, help me out here. Taylor? Anyone? What do I have to do, adopt grandkids? You kids are killing me. My summer campfire just smoldered out. Why even open the pool? I've got this great big house and no one to share it with. I'm just sure James Taylor sang some song about this. I guess I'll go listen to all of his albums again . . . all alone . . . down in the cold,dark basement. I'm going now. Good bye.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! We were excited to hear your news tonight. I think everyone is going to wish they had you closer...especially us since now we have a baby cousin. At the same time we're glad there are so many cook things to do. We'll be planning a trip soon I'm sure.

Debbie said...

Woot Woot! Glad you guys got your number 1 choice! So did we! Please, please, please go to OBX ALOT for me! Love that place.

Tom said...

Ok, this is your dad again. Now that I slept on it, I think I have more clarity of thought. Now I can say "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it!" That's it, you are out of my will (well, I don't have a will yet but if I did) and you aren't getting any of my money (actually, that's kind of funny because I don't have any . . . "the tax man cometh"), but so help me I'm writing Mr. Obama, my congressman and James Taylor rigt now. That's all.

Joan Morris said...

I think North Carolina will be fabulous! I'm very happy you didn't end up in North Dakota. Thank goodness Southwest flies into Raleigh. Maybe Dad and I will have to look into moving back east ;)

Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

Ahhhhhh! How fun! I am still laughing at your dad's comment! hahah That looks like it will be a great place! Congrats! I am not going to lie though....I am sad you wont be closer!

Tom said...

Thanks to all of my friends, fans and family. I have received hundreds of concerned emails, texts and phone calls. Yes, I am ok. I did slit one wrist (it really hurt!) but let me give a shout out to whoever invented super glue. Actually, I've had an epiphany and I'm really excited about N. Carolina. And my epiphany? They have Waffle Houses in N. Carolina. I'm booking my flight right now.

Kay Hinton said...

Welcome to my world, Tom!

Amy Ritter said...

Awesome! You're going to southerners Like US!

Emily Judd said...

while I'm really sad that you'll be further away from us I can't stand how awesome it sounds! Hooray for a great place to live! And awesome that you'll be around cousins too!

p.s. when are you going to be in Boise again?

Alissa said...

Ahhhh! How exciting!!!! The east coast just can't be parted with you apparently! LOL! I can't wait to hear about all your new adventures there! It seems a heck of a lot more 'family friendly' than Vegas, that's for sure:) Congrats!!!!

jor johnson said...

That is going to be a BLAST!!! I'm excited for you guys!

Annette said...


Lynnette said...

What a cool place! I'm definitely a bit jealous - I'm sure you'll just love it!

Shonna said...

Now somehow I missed this post back in April. This is so exciting! I have heard completely awesome things about North Carolina. What a great place to be for a few years. Has your dad gotten over it yet?