Sunday, March 24, 2013

First Day of Spring!

Although from the looks of the frightful weather outside right now-- torrential rain and a balmy 41 degrees-- you'd never guess we did celebrate the first day of spring on Wednesday with the rest of the world. March has certainly decided to go out like a lion! 
 In honor of the celebration our local water ice station Rita's was giving out free water ices, so you know we were there as soon as school got out. Funnily enough Lucy's picture came up on their slide show from last year when we were there for free water ice. I never pass up freebies! 
 Cheers to mango! I would have waited for Jon to get home from work so he could join us, but he was in Atlanta for 4 days at a dental conference and I was flying solo. Naturally BOTH Leah and Zach fell asleep in the car, but Zach perked right up when I reminded him where we were at. That kid never forfeits a treat.
Happy Spring! Hope it comes soon...


Gene and Silvia said...

So fun that you could enjoy Rita's yummy treats. By the look on the smiles on those little faces, I'd say the kids love it!