Sunday, April 27, 2014


I challenged myself last year on the blog to record all of my kids' current "favorites," and it's been a year since the last one-- so here's the new round of what's popular in the Cardon household for 2014! 
Lucy Debora, age 7

TV Show: Scooby Doo, My Little Ponies
Movie: Harry Potter 1 and 2
Song: Taylor Swift
Food: Pepperoni Pizza, Steak
Least Favorite Food: Meatloaf, Sloppy Joes
Treat: Smarties, Cupcakes, Popcorn
Color: Purple
Toy: Harry Potter wand
Activity: Play with Josh and Luke (neighbors)
Animals: Swans, Flamingos
Store: Claire's
To Do With Mom: Go Out to Dinner 
To Do With Dad: Daddy Daughter Dates
Best Friends: Luke and Josh

Zachary Jonathan, age 5

TV Show: Batman, Avengers, Justice League, Ninjago
Movie: Despicable Me 2, Spiderman
Song: Techno (Body Pump songs)
Food: Hamburgers, Steak, Pancakes
Least Favorite Food: Anything with Tomato Sauce
Treat: Cookies, Candy, Cake, Ice Cream
Color: Orange
Toy: Legos
Activity: Play with Josh and Luke (neighbors)
Animals: Shark
Store: Toy Store
To Do With Mom: Help Make Treats
To Do With Dad: Play Outside
Best Friends: Luke and Josh, Carson, Hudson

Leah Gene, age 1

TV Show: Sesame Street, Curious George
Movie: Frozen
Song: 5 Little Monkeys, Let It Go
Food: Cheese, Yogurt
Least Favorite Food: Veggies, Meat
Treat: Smarties, Suckers, Ice Cream
Color: Pink
Toy: Baby Dolls
Activity: Play with Lucy and Zach
Animals: Dogs and Cats
Store: Wal-Mart
To Do With Mom: Be Pushed in the Swing
To Do With Dad: Wrestle
Best Friends: Lucy and Zach


Joan Morris said...

So fun to see the list of favorites each year. I love how your kids know all the techno songs because of Body pump!

Gene and Silvia said...

Loved reading the kids' favorite things to do, and their adorable pictures 😃