Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

Perhaps the best gift of all this morning was having three cooperative little kids ready to pose in a picture with me before church. I'm so lucky to be a mommy to these three blessings!
I woke up to a beautiful, super delicious breakfast compliments of my man Jon. Who wouldn't feel spoiled with a table full of gourmet pastries, a dozen red roses, and homemade cards?!?
Miss Lucy went to town creating me all kinds of wonderful Mother's Day gifts and cards. This is a portrait of Yours Truly. She told me, "Your hair is a dirty blonde, so I added some brown streaks to make it realistic." Thanks for keeping it real, Luce!
I never thought much about filling out these little sheets for my mom when I was a kid, but now that I'm a mom, I LOVE them! They are so much fun to read. Lucy's says: "My mom is as pretty as a rose that is red and lovely. She is as sweet as the sweetest hummingbird. She is as smart as the smartest person on Earth. But most of all she is as special as a new born baby!" Awww, melts me! 
"As you can see, my mom is special because she is perfect." I shall be keeping this for later on down the road to teenage-dom...
Zach made me a really cute candle holder at preschool and this nice card. I've felt happy and appreciated all day long, and what a gift that is! I am SO incredibly thankful for the mothers, grandmas, aunts, friends, and women in my life, that have shown me how to love unconditionally. Motherhood is the most trying, exhausting, frustrating, exasperating, beautiful, wonderful, emotional, amazing journey I've ever taken. How grateful I am for Lucy, Zach, and Leah who made me a "mom," and to my Heavenly Father who gave them to me on "loan!" 


Joan Morris said...

Happy Mother's Day! You are an awesome mother. I am so proud of you!

Tom said...

You know what's wrong with this world? Kids are all sweet and mushy for Mother's Day but they get all burned out and by Father's Day, well reality sets back in. No wonder dads just get dumb old ties. But Happy (belated) Mother's Day. You earned it.