Sunday, October 26, 2014

Trunk or Treat Elementary Style!

Lucy and Zach's elementary school celebrated Halloween with its annual Trunk or Treat, Friday October 17th, the night before we left for Disney World. Jon was gone once again moonlighting at Day and Night (that was 3x that week for those who are counting, and I certainly was!), so I was left alone to wrangle three very, very excited kiddos for one last part-ay before we were Mickey Mouse bound early the next morning!
 Grandma Cardon had made the girls' costumes and was bringing them to Florida with her, so we scrounged around in the dress-up box for a back-up and found this cheerleader outfit which was good enough for Lucy, and good enough for me, and Zach decided to go as Optimus Prime. I love how he's so camouflaged you barely even see him staring you down back there! 
 Please take a moment and look at Leah's face... This was about the second car into the whole trunk or treating process, and it was about now that it dawned on her that she was collecting candy. CANDY!! You can just see the wheels turning...from this point on she let nothing and no one get in the way of said candy. No matter how scary the car, or how many kids were clustered up between her and the proffered bowl, she hugged that little bucket tight and demanded her candy. Atta girl!

 She refused to dress up like a chicken-- our plan B costume from when Lucy was her age, and since we really like to keep Mt. Leah from erupting, we just rolled with it. Nobody seemed to mind, and in fact she'd get handfuls from people. Oh goody.
 There was an awesome Harry Potter trunk with a quidditch pitch off to one side and the candy part all decorated like Honeydukes. It was just what Lucy needed to get excited for Harry Potter World!
 My brave little Zach-O was determined to go on the "Haunted School Bus" by himself, and luckily met up with his buddy JB from Kindergarten, so together they walked through it. It was haunted by junior high students who were dressed like zombies and were supposed to scare the kids, but I guess one girl touched Zach on the back (they weren't supposed to-- and I had told him nobody would touch him, they'd just pop out and scare him), and he was appalled. He asked me about a million times "Why did she do that?!? We should kick her out!!" I think he still had fun though.
Well, with all three kids sugared up, pumped up, and up late we were ready for a magical Disney experience and a 9 hour car ride the next morning. Disney here we come. Wohoo!


Joan Morris said...

How fun! I didn't know you had a Trunk or Treat the night before you left. Sounds like some of the participants went all out. Lucy looks so cute as a cheerleader and I love Zach's Transformer costume. I can't believe Zachy did the zombie bus all by himself. Funny kid.