Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Something for September!

It's beginning to look a lot like fall around here! And we couldn't be happier. My kids are excited for cooler weather (they're begging for SNOW even), and all things pumpkin and Halloween, and are even starting to talk about Christmas lists. Yikes! I guess December really is just around the corner. Here's what we've been up to lately... 
Lucy and Zach had a teacher workday a few weeks back, and Leah was over the moon that they got to stay home! We headed to the gym that morning, and then as a little treat we tried Nomelie's Cupcake Shop located right on Mainstreet near our house.
Zach and Lucy won the prize for picking the best cupcake-- it was a Mexican Hot Chocolate one and so yummy!
Leah got plain vanilla and it was good too, but the chocolate totally won.
Well, at almost 20 weeks (this Thursday), the belly is popping and the "bump" is definitely showing! I have my ultrasound next Tuesday and I cannot wait to find out what we're having!
I ran some errands at Target the other day and Leah was so excited to see Chewbacca, because she knows Zach and Daddy especially love Star Wars. She told me to take a picture of him for them. Ha ha! See that big bag of popcorn nestled right next to Leah so she'll sit still and be good? She is spoiled.
Legend High School (the kids' high school if we stay here) recently had their Homecoming parade. The did an assembly that morning at Lucy and Zach's school to get the elementary kids all excited about coming to the parade that evening and promising "thousands of pieces of candy." Well, I knew I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't take them, so although Jon was working that night, we found it just down the road from their elementary school and it was pretty fun. The kids loved it.
I have inherited an incredible garden from the previous owners, and we've had a serious rhubarb harvest! Holy moly! This is probably only a 1/3 of what I've cut and frozen so far. We've also gotten lots of raspberries, but those aren't nearly as hard to get rid of as the rhubarb. So far we've made pies and rhubarb cobbler, and no one is complaining!
We finally bought Leah a new car seat! Hooray! She was using Lucy and Zach's old car seat, which was dirty, stinky, OLD, and really just pretty gross. I don't think you're supposed to re-use car seats longer than a couple of years anyway, so it was high time to get a new one. It's MASSIVE, but she fits so much better in it and seems much more comfortable. Unfortunately when I sent Jon to the store I didn't clarify to get a unisex one so we could use it for the next baby too, so if it's a "he," "he" may just have to deal with the pink!
Last but not least, we got a letter from our HOA stating we had to remove these dead trees from our property within 7 DAYS, or else.... I'm sure they would have fined us. It seems a bit ironic considering we just got here, and those trees have been dead for years! We can't seem to figure out how the old owners managed to dump it on us, but c'est la vie. We talked the HOA into giving us a little more time, and we had a guy come cut them down last week. What a process! They had to remove part of the fence, and there is sawdust and mulch everywhere, but they are officially gone. I guess we really do live in Colorado now!


NicoleD said...

I'm seriously dyyyyying to find out if baby is a boy or girl!! Those cupcakes look yummy...eat one for us next time! I just love how the HOA all of a sudden needed those trees cut down. The old owners must have had some connections! 😉

Joan Morris said...

I use to bribe Taylor at Target the same way ;) You'll have to take us to that yummy cupcake spot. I'm so glad you went to the homecoming parade. What fun. We are so excited to find out if it's a boy or girl. I love getting updated on all your activities.

Gene and Silvia said...

I was wondering the same thing, how did the previous owners get out of cutting them down? Oh well, as you say that one of the joys of home ownership.. Glad to hear the garden is doing well..
Love the updates, we look forward to hearing all of the news.

Jonathan said...

I want to know where the HOA is on the bunny issue!?!? I'm sick of chasing bunnies off my lawn EVERY MORNING and cleaning up bunny poop. They're a serious nuisance. Anybody like coney stew?