Monday, May 8, 2017

May Moments

Who doesn't love maxing and relaxing in a hammock on a gorgeous spring day?? We hung up Jon's birthday hammock and the kids have loved playing outside with it.
Lucy and Lizzie took a nice little break outside in it last Sunday.
We decided to sell our old couches on Craiglist, which we did successfully (hooray!), and then purchase a new couch that fit the room a little better. The four separate pieces were always being pushed around by the kids, and having that many pieces of furniture for that small of a room just made it feel so cluttered! We decided on a sectional, which is microfiber (not leather so I hope I don't end up regretting that!), but so far we LOVE how it changes the room!
And speaking of changes, it was finally time to get rid of our downstairs "sauna" and remodel it into a shower. The builders came Monday and had all of the demo work done by that morning.
By Friday morning everything was tiled, installed, caulked, and ready to go! Yay! It looks fabulous, and although Lucy is the only one to have used it yet-- we are so thrilled our visitors will have their own shower to use downstairs! Now, onto the kitchen remodel....
The kids' school held a "Muffins with Moms" one morning and since Jon had the morning off I got to go with them. Zach was so excited, he woke up at 6:30 a.m. ready to take me (or maybe it was just the promise of a chocolate Costco muffin?).
This little thing had "Muffins with Moms/ Donuts with Dad" the following week, but I forgot to get a picture. Doesn't she just have the most gorgeous hazel eyes???
I finally made good on my resolution to take pictures of some of Zach's artwork. He is really, really a talented little artist, and his drawings remind me of cartoon illustrations. Maybe there's a future there? I find little drawings EVERYWHERE-- all of our notebooks are filled, scrap paper, church programs, all of his schoolwork that comes home, etc. I love that he does religious drawings (First Vision; Crucifixion at the top) as well as super heroes and Angry Birds, or whatever it is he's interested in.
Two more "materpieces" as he calls them-- the Leaning Tower of Pizza (Pisa), and the Statue of Ice Cream, complete with a waffle cone crown. LOVE the creativity there!
Last weekend we got a spring blizzard that just dumped snow on us. All in all it was about 10 inches of heavy, wet, spring snow which is so terrible for the trees and flowers, but I guess nature knows what it's doing. It broke off tons of branches, flattened our rhubarb and strawberry plants, and killed our tulips which were just beginning to come up.
Yay! Who doesn't want all this snow so close to summer??? Me!! That's who. The ironic thing is it was for sure our biggest storm of the winter. Wouldn't have minded it so much in January. At least it was melted and gone by Monday...
And last but not least, here is Elizabeth's epic marshmallow meltdown! I gave her three marshmallows on our drive home from Trader Joe's (about 25 minutes away, near the temple in Littleton), and by the time we made it home she was COVERED in gooey, sticky, marshmallow mess. 
She's not finding it so fun to have her eyes and fingers stuck shut because of her naughtiness! What a stinker! She literally had it everywhere all over her carseat, hair, face, clothes, socks, etc.
This is her pouty face because I made her get in the tub to wash it all off. Ha ha! She felt SO sorry for herself!
Her little lobster claw stuck shut. I couldn't stop laughing at her.
Do you think she learned her lesson?? Probably not, so it's a good thing we all think she's super cute!


Tom said...

Hey that couch you sold on Craigslist? I want my cut. Don't try to hold out on me or I will send Vinny and his bag of marshmallows. It won't be pretty.

Unknown said...

I didn't realize you were still keeping up your blog. You're one of the last hold outs! I'm just getting caught up from a year ago. haha.