Sunday, April 25, 2010

Another Sandy Excursion

I just don't know what to say for ourselves. We simply can't stay away!! I guess the thought of spending a year in the middle of the desert without an ocean anywhere has got us making last ditch trips to the Jersey shore.

We headed out on a bit of chilly Saturday morning to Ocean City to spend the day watching the waves (WAY too cold to get in!) and playing in the sand. Even Jon got in on the action by digging Zach a pit, that luckily acted more like a cage and kept him from wandering into the freezing water every 5 seconds.

Playing in the sand pit!

I love slummin' it on beach days-- no shower, no makeup, etc. Too bad my face got FRIED. Whoops!

The sand goes in the mouth...

He begins swallowing...

And the sand-sludge gets spit back out, thus making a "Sand Beard." DON'T EAT THE SAND ZACHARY!!


Joan Morris said...

This IS a blogging marathon. What a fun day at the beach. I'm sure changing Zachy's pants after a day at the shore is a lot of fun too ;(

Gene and Silvia said...

Zachy needs to quit sampling the sand! Looks like you guys had a great time...way to go for getting away and having fun :)

Alissa said...

Ahhh what a relaxing day! Zachy is a sand monster! Love his face! I also love your new Cardon Capades pic...sooo cute!

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Sand vs Sandwiches? Your other post about all your friends almost made me cry. It's true you make life long friends that no matter where you go, you they will always be dear friends! We have a few couples I keep in touch with and actually 2 that we are going on a trip with this summer. Dental school is SO HARD and SUCKS so bad sometimes. But when it's all done you look back with fond memories WHAT?! (think Randy Jackson) Sometimes I miss all those close friends!

Tom said...

That whole sandbeard thing kind of grosses me out. Do you have any idea where that sand has been? Just think of all of those feet and toes digging into the sand at the beach. No more sand-witches at the beach!

Shonna said...

What a fun day! I'm sorry you get fried. It's bound to happen on one of the first days out in the sun after a long winter, right?