Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cause for Celebration

Jonathan recently completed his WREBS (Western Regional Exam Boards-- or something like that), which is basically his licensing exam which allows him to practice dentistry. After 2 FULL days of endless testing and prior to that, weeks of stress about patients showing up or not, I figured regardless of whether or not he passed (which he DID!!! Hooray for DOCTOR Cardon!!) he deserved an ice cream celebration.

Enter Ritas!! I figured that was the right place for our celebration!!

The Kelly's met us there to celebrate the end of Matt's finals, as well as doubling with us for an FHE activity. Lucy sure loves her BFF Dixon!

We will miss you Rita's!!


Joan Morris said...

Congratulations to Dr. Cardon! Yippee! That is definitely a reason to celebrate at Rita's. I'd like a Rita's water ice right about now. Maybe we should start a franchise in Boise.

Laura K. said...

Congratulations to Jon!! That is awesome! What an accomplishment!

Alissa said...

Yay finally!!! WOO HOO!!! So excited for you guys!

Emily Judd said...

hooray!! that is so exciting!