Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Don't Eat Pete!

Tonight for FHE I decided to pull out an oldie, but goodie. When I was little my favorite game to play was "Don't Eat Pete!" I dont' know who made it or when it was invented, all I know is that it brought me a great deal of happiness as a child.
Here are the rules:

First you have to color a game board with lots of possible Petes. Your 3 year old can help, or you can borrow mine. She likes to color everybody's eyes brown to match hers though, so if you don't have brown eyes too bad.

Then you send one person out to hide while the rest of you decide which picture is going to be Pete. Once you agree on a Pete you bring the seeker back and put a piece of candy on each picture so they can start eating candy.

One by one they try to eat around who they think Pete is, until finally, they guess wrong and accidentally eat Pete.

That's when you all yell "Don't Eat Pete!!" That's the best part.

Zachy didn't understand the game at all, but he did love eating M&M's and clapping when I yelled "Don't Eat Pete" at him. Maybe that will be his first sentence, "Don't Eat Pete!"


Joan Morris said...

I do remember "Don't Eat Pete" and it was your favorite game. Those are such cute pictures of the kids.

Shonna said...

I love that game! And I love how expressive your kids are--adorable.

Angela said...

Totally and oldie but goodie! That was definitely one of our favorite FHE games- now that you mention it, I think I know what we'll be doing next week. :)

Tom said...

I never really liked that game because there weren't enough rules to argue about (see, I'm an attorney, and attorneys like stuff they can argue about . . . oh, never mind).

Amy Ritter said...

Love this game! We played it this week too. We discovered that the mini M & M's work best for the kids.

Kay Hinton said...

My kids used to love that game, too.

Annette said...

What a fun idea. We are definately going to play that soon.

Sarah said...

Devin and I just had a 15 min argument about this post. He says your mom is the final tie-breaker. He says the name is "Eat Pete" and that's what you yell. But that sounds lame. It's "DON'T EAT PETE!"