Monday, October 25, 2010

Cooling Down

There be snow in them thar hills!! It's finally starting to cool off in these parts thanks to monsoon season, and we've even had a little rain here in the valley and snow up in the mountains. It's kind of strange to see snow capped mountains in the distance when it's still around 70 degrees here, but it is such a welcome respite from the 90 degree heat!!

This Saturday we decided to go check out the Mt. Charleston wilderness area that Jon did a few weeks ago, where there are several trails and easier hikes for families. It's only about 45 min. away, so I was shocked when we got out of the car and it was only 50 degrees!! We were FREEZING!!! We all bundled up in fleece and we still froze, so I guess we've picked up that sissy thin-blood thing.

We did the Little Falls trail which was only 1 mile but pretty steep, so we kind of had to prod Lucy along, but she did great. The leaves were fantastic, the air was fresh and cold (Jon made us roll down the windows to smell "the pine needles in the air"), and it really FINALLY felt like fall!!

We stopped at the end of the trail where the little water fall was and had a picnic lunch. I'd rate it about a 9 (on my Mom's picnic scale), since there was water, we did have pretty good sandwiches, but Zachy was cold and cranky, and there was tons of graffiti everywhere.

Lucy was super confused by all the graffitti, "Why did people write on the wall? Why did their mommies let them color there? Why didn't they use paper?" etc. I agree Luce. Good question!

After our picnic we headed back down the mountain and drove around the area a bit before heading home. It was a beautiful fall day!!


Tom said...

Sounds like fun, especially the picnic. I love picnics out in the wilds!

teresa said...

how nice, and i'm so glad it's cooling down. i'm a grouchy bear when it's hot!

Joan Morris said...

I'm so happy you got to hike and have a picnic. I'm glad it is finally cooling off :)

Unknown said...

I love these questions that Lucy asks. If those naughty graffiti "artists" didn't color on the walls when they were childen, then perhaps they wouldn't be coloring on the walls now. LOL. How do you find all of these fun things to do no matter where you go?

Shonna said...

Lucy is so right. But looks like it was a nice picnic and hike otherwise. Yay for fall in the desert.

Kay Hinton said...

It is so nice that it's finally cooling down. Looks like a fun day.

Tamar and Trevor said...

Yeah for cooler weather and fun with Dad. It is funny to me how 50degrees is suddenly freezing. Kids go to school in HUGE winter jackets here if it is below 60.