Friday, November 5, 2010

Cheese Steak Connoisseurs, part 7

Bet you thought you'd seen the last of these!!! Well, I surprised even myself the other day when I discovered a little neighborhood steak joint while running errands. I convinced Jonathan to go connoisseur-ing with me tonight as kind of a gag but also for fun.

Location: Straight From Philly SteakOut, Las Vegas, NV

The place had all sorts of random Philly memorabilia that would have been lost on just about anyone not from Philly. They had Phillies, Flyers, and Eagles posters and jersies, Rocky Balboa stuff, pictures of the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall, the Constitution and Ben Franklin, etc. Loved the ambiance!! It felt just like "home"-- like we could have been sitting right in our own Chubby's down on Henry Avenue.

Here's proof you can get a "real" cheese steak when not in the city of Brotherly Love! Apparently the owner is from Philly as well as the 2 workers we spoke to-- so they even gave us free drinks for being from Philly ourselves.

Cons: The meat was overcooked and dried out (it was the pre-frozen block kind). They didn't have whiz-- hello! just cheddar and provolone.

Pros: The bread was authentic!! I called it when I said to Jon, "I think this is Amoroso's (those of you from Philly know this bakery)," so we asked, and they DO have it shipped in specially!! Good for them. It isn't a steak without the right bread. The onions were really good.

After the first bite I admittedly did say, "This tastes like Philly!" It was weird and kind of homesick-making at the same time. Was it the best cheese steak I ever had?? Definitely not. Is it a poor man's substitute for the real deal?? Yup. But I guess it will have to do!!


Gene and Silvia said...

Wow, how great is that? I did not have as many cheese steaks as you guys but still find myself thinking about the next time I can have a real cheese steak again!!!

Alissa said...

This post makes my heart happy...and sad all at once! I LOVE that you found a quasi-decent cheese steak in Vegas...of all places AND that they had the right bread...but no whiz??? C'mon...whiz wit!!!

Matt, Calli, & Dixon said...

No way!!!! That is way funny and cool! I am glad you found it, even though it may not be the best it will be good for when you guys are "homesick" !!! Miss you guys like crazy!!! Only a month and a half!! YEAAHAHAHA! We might have to go there next summer to "reminisce" of good ol Philly!

Kay Hinton said...

Glad you found a taste of home. It looks yummy to me.

Joan Morris said...

That's funny there's an authentic cheese steak place in Las Vegas. That's cute you knew where the bread was from. You are a true connoisseur.

Tom said...

Reading this post made me even more committed to checking out the "West of Philly" franchise here to compare with the real thing. Get back to you soon. This is Tom Morris reporting live from Boise. I'm out.

Angela said...

That's great! I admit that I'm pretty skeptical when I see signs for "Philly Cheesesteaks" anywhere outside of PA, but it sounds like you guys had a lucky strike! I definitely miss that bread!

Emily Judd said...

so that sounds yummy! but I've never been a fan of the "whiz" stuff...I don't really understand! I can't remember what i had in philly when I visited you though, but whatever it was it was delicious. Glad you found a place like that!