Sunday, February 6, 2011

Meet the Newest Member of the Family:

Elmo "Wubba" Heart Cardon. Our pet beta fish.

WHOA!!! There's really fish in there!?! Zachy LOVES our new fish and while picking him out at Petsmart he kept yelling "Elmo! Wubba!" Which for those of you who aren't fluent in Zacheese means, "Mom! Dad! Look! Elmo has a pet fish named Dorothy, and there's a fish swimming right before my eyes now!"

His first name of Elmo is Zachy's contribution, with the obvious nickname of "Wubba" because that's what he calls fish in general (and yells at us when he wants up to see the little guy), and Lucy decided to go a totally different direction, ignoring the babyish name of Elmo, and dubbed him "Heart." So he's got three great names. Maybe this is how we'll name our next baby.:)

Admiring how gracefully Elmo Wubba Heart swims through his tunnels.

Let the bidding begin! How long do you think EWH (Elmo Wubba Heart) will last??


Joan Morris said...

I hope Elmo Wubba Heart lasts a long time. I remember our beta fish was indestructible. By the end we were hoping it would die ;( What cute pictures!

Unknown said...

EWH will probably last forever. My sister in law accidently boiled theirs for a split second and he survived. What a tongue twister of a name! I love the kids creativity.

Emily Judd said...

yep, probably forever. they tend to be pretty hearty. my dad's lasted YEARS. It couldn't swim anymore and so he put him in about an inch and half of water so he could go up to the top to get air...he ended up wearing off his own fins....SO ugly! My dad didn't have the heart to kill him!

love the name!

jor said...

That is the best fish name ever!

Kay Hinton said...

Our beta fish lasted a day or two. . . not good with pets.

Whitney said...

Yep. He'll last forever. Kubo is still trying to get his to die... it's been 4 years.

Sarah said...

Just long enough for your kids to get really attached and talk you into another pet as a replacement... probably something bigger and messier and with a longer lifespan. Then the cycle begins. That one dies, then you'll have to get another and another until you're stuck with two dogs and your kids have all left home. It's a slippery slope, my friend!

Tamar and Trevor said...

LOVE the name and fish are the perfect pet. I am pretty sure Kyle would try to "hold" a fish so we have not had one in a while but the girls have LOVED the ones we have had in the past. Have fun!

Tom said...

Wow, a new family member! You can see the kids' excitement in those pictures. I hope EWH grows alot in the next month because I can't wait to put him between a couple of slices of wonder bread and have a snack. Just kidding (I think).

Alissa said...

That name is THE best! SO CUTE!!! Fish are the best pets!