Saturday, March 5, 2011

Why I Love Tax Refunds

Since during the year of 2010 we were still students we fall into that lucky category of being on the receiving end of the government come April 15th, as opposed to my father-- the notorious "Paying-Taxes-Tom" who lives, eats, and breathes taxes. Be right there with you next year, Dad!:) This year most of our refund will obviously go to paying back loans, but a small chunk was allocated to me. Yes. ME!! I took that money and ran (literally) to begin replacing all of our IKEA furniture ASAP (tip: while I LOVE IKEA, the MDF board they us on almost everything doesn't weather a cross-country move too well). We started at the RC Willey Clearance Center where we found our leather couches when we first moved here.

We found this little beauty for a STEAL. There are a few little scratches around the table legs, and one broken foot rest on a chair (which is easily fixable with wood glue), but we basically got it for about 80% off the normal price. Plus, when I buy already dinged up merchandise, I don't go into a catatonic state when Zachary gouges his fork into the table top at dinner!

Then we went back and found this piece, which I really love. For some reason I've always wanted a nice hutch to store all of my dishes, and we found this for a great price too, so jumped on it!

And that's the good news. Now for the bad news: Our house we've been renting did ((finally)) get FORECLOSED on. It's been up in the air literally since we moved in back in July, so it's almost a relief just having some solid information. They posted all the paperwork on the front door (which was fun to come home to, er, read "heart attack") and served us with papers by certified mail, so the house will be up for public auction on March 23rd. Sooooo, we will know more then. We should then have 90 days to move out, but hopefully we will be able to finish out our lease and won't have to move twice in 3 months. But it'd make a great story, right?

And of course as with all of life's little ironies, it would be right after we've just bought all this new furniture. So now we don't have a house to put it in.:)


James and Tricia Thomas said...

I love your new table!!! I so badly need a new table as mine is really old and beat up! But oh well maybe next year right? I have also always wanted a hutch I think it's because of our grandma gene's she loved pretty dishes and displaying them!

Alissa said...

Oh man, I hope you guys get to finish out your lease & avoid moving AGAIN! AHHHH! So crazy & stressful, but at least that GORGEOUS new furniture takes the edge off...right? Buying stuff always makes me feel better, but that's probably a bad thing LOL! Ben used to work at an RC Willey outlet store in Provo & he scored us some pretty cheap goods while he worked there! Don't you love getting good deals?! Well, enjoy your house 7 furniture while they last! Keeping our fingers crossed for you!

Shonna said...

Oh I hope you don't have to move twice, that'd be awful. But I love the new furniture! It's gorgeous. I prefer the darker woods too, so nice.

Brett & Katie Johnson said...

oh my everything is soo pretty. You have a good picker. WE will have to come see soon.

Joan Morris said...

I LOVE your new furniture. It looks beautiful in your home. I think Tricia is right, all the Gabrielsen girls love pretty things ;)

Unknown said...

Wow! Amazing finds. I love your hutch. So pretty. Makes me REALLY want to refurbish mine. Hopefully you wont' have to move before you leave...that would stink.

Tamar and Trevor said...

I love the hutch and am totally coveting the table. It is so fun to buy new things...we bought a couch with our refund. Figured it was about time after being married for nine years to buy something that has not been sat on by anyone else! GOod luck with the house can always come visit California for a while. I am always up for visitors ;)

Kay Hinton said...

Your new furniture is beautiful. I so hope you don't have to move.

Emily Judd said...

beautiful table and I LOVE the hutch too! where did you get your candlesticks? they are adorable and I've been looking for some that are cream.

hopefully you don't have to move out! that would NOT be fun!

Tom said...

Just let them try to throw you out. I didn't go to law school for nothing. By the time we finish with them, they'll wish they had never heard of "Super-paying-taxes-Tom"!!

Annette said...

That is truly ironic. But I have to say, wherever your furniture ends up, it will look great there. It is so stinkin' cute! I want a tax refund too :)

Christy Bateman Mathatas said...

I love that table. When will you guys know where you're going in August?

Sarah said...

I love your new furniture! Feels good to put some of the Ikea stuff to rest? I hope everything works out with your house. My mom said you can stay in their basement if you want to and she was totally serious. ;)

jor johnson said...

I LOVE your new stuff and I'm so SORRY you have to deal with moving it!!!! Lets all just hope your new place will be even better and I"m hoping you pick one of those boring locations in the midwest somewhere and maybe we can meet up :)