Friday, June 10, 2011

Five Minutes Peace!

Did your mom ever read you that book "Five Minutes Peace" when you were a kid? Mine did. And I never quite got the message... I thought that mom was a little over dramatic about needing her space-- who wouldn't want to play with their kids all day long?!? Isn't that what moms are for?? Until of course I became a mom, and realized how true that book is! It is without fail that I cannot get FIVE. MINUTES. PEACE.

Even when the kids are perfectly content eating lunch, watching a movie, whatever it may be downstairs, if I try and sneak upstairs unnoticed to check my email they suddenly appear in no less than five minutes. It's like that wherever I go, whatever I'm doing, wherever I'm hiding (yes! sometimes I hide! I admit it!) they sniff me out!!

In fact, 9 times out of 10 I can't even go to the bathroom unaccompanied. If I can't beat them to close the door in time they follow me in and most of the time I just don't have the energy to kick 'em out. This time despite my best efforts to outrun her, Lucy SLAMMED the door back open so hard before I could close it that the door jam literally poked through the door!

It left this GAPING hole on either side. Please tell me someone knows how to fix it?? Since we will be moving in 2 months I'd reeaaally like to get our security deposit back... And I'd like to pee alone. Just once. Sorry, TMI.

Anyway, what's a girl to do? Jon's residency has picked WAY back up in its busy-ness levels, so I've got lots of single mom time. And I craft the loooong lonely nights away! This is my latest block/Cricut project.

I got this mirror for free (it was originally just a plain mirror with a brown frame), and I finally decided to recycle it and make it fit into Lucy's room. After spray painting the frame hot pink, I was trying to get a few stray paint spots off when the whole thing CRACKED down the middle. So my sister suggested gluing ribbon across the crack and nobody would ever be able to tell the difference. What do you think?

And since I've been posting so much about little Luce lately, I decided to throw in a pic or two of this little guy. He's so much fun!! T-R-O-U-B-L-E. But fun. He's talking SO much more which is awesome, still HATES getting his diapers changed and will lie to your face whether he's pooped or not (these pictures are documenting a particularly soggy doggy), he dumps RED crystal light all over my carpet while staring me down, and he likes to pretend to be a puppy. He barks, he pants, he drinks water from a bowl, and I love it. He also pretends my bathtub is a boat while I'm getting my makeup on, so basically all 27 months of him is PURE entertainment!


Unknown said...

Oh no. Is this what I have to look forward to? Wait...she's only 5 1/2 months old and I don't even get 5 min peace. Have you tried reading that story to your kiddos yet?

I'm sorry about the door. Yikes. I know how to fix holes in walls, but not in doors. Maybe you can google it? Good luck.

Gene and Silvia said...

Ooops, I have a couple if ideas about how to fix the door but will have to explain on the phone. If worst comes to worst you can buy a new door, they are not very expensive.

grandmac said...

If she tells Heavenly Father she's "glad to be me" you are doing lots of things right inspite of holes in doors. Little boys are interesting to raise. I'll tell you one about his grandfather some day.
Love, Grandma C.

Tamar and Trevor said...

Oh I wish we could craft the lonely nights away together!!! I may have to copy your blocks...way cute.

Joan Morris said...

I love that book "Five Minutes Peace". Every mother can relate. Cute crafts but sorry about the door. Just buy a new one.

jor johnson said...

So I'm pretty sure Zach and Evrett were BFF's in the pre-existence b/c they are sooo much alike. Fun but big TROUBLE.

I'm going to have to get that book and see if it helps with my kids. We are 6 days into summer vacation and I'm about to loose it! I love my kids but I'm having to stay up until 1am just to get some peaceful moments without but it just makes me even grumpier then next day. Ugh.

As for the door, I think I remember Colin putting a hole in our in Philly that Ben patched up (or maybe it was the door that put a hole in the wall??) anyway, i will ask Ben about it and let you know.

Shonna said...

My mom used to read me that book too. So sorry about the door. Zach is such a cute little busy guy.

Sarah said...


Emily Judd said...

seriously, what is WITH kids?? :D