Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Terrific Kid!

Last Thursday Lucy's school held a quarterly awards assembly, and I got a note in her take-home folder inviting me to come because my child had won an award-- but not to say anything to Lucy because it was supposed to be a surprise.

The local Kiwanis Club had every teacher nominate one boy and one girl from each class to win the "Terrific Kid Award," and then the principal read a little summary about each of the children selected in front of the whole school and gave them their certificate and some coupons and freebies to use at local businesses. I had no idea what to expect, so I didn't really mention anything to Jon and didn't have him take the afternoon off, but it was so fun to hear her name announced and see her reaction.
She was SO surprised! She didn't even know I was there because she didn't see me come in the back, so afterwards I hurried, nay, waddled to catch up with her class and caught a quick picture of her. She just kept saying, "I can't believe I won!"
Here's what Lucy's teacher wrote about why she selected Lucy to win. Pretty cool, huh? We sure love this girl and are proud of our Terrific Kid!!


Joan Morris said...

Lucy is one terrific kid! How exciting for her. I agree with everything the teacher said! Congrats to Lucy!

Gene and Silvia said...

Great job Luce! Glad others recognize what we have seen in you. Keep it up.